Self-Publishing Lesson: Don’t Rush

I have started working on finalizing THE SOUND OF MADNESS to be self-published. I originally wanted to have it self-published in January, but it didn’t feel right so I kind of pushed it aside. When I self-published BARFLY in December 2014, it was for me. It was me conquering my fear of putting “my baby” out there for the world. I knew I could handle rejection from … Continue reading Self-Publishing Lesson: Don’t Rush


I have three beginnings for my WIP (work in progress) that I’m calling Goliath. (This is not the real title, it’s just that it’s my Goliath, my Mount Everest as I said in my post “Following Your Joy”.) I’ve been struggling with which one would be the best beginning for this novel. I have written and scraped, rewritten and re-scraped, and put this process on repeat more times than I should have. Continue reading THE RIGHT BEGINNING

BARFLY: Now Available in Paperback and for Kindle

Well, it finally happened. I published BARFLY. It wasn’t through traditional means. I didn’t find an agent who found me a publisher who gave me a book deal. I am self publishing it. I can’t begin to tell you how many rejection letters I received for BARFLY. Most of the rejection letters were form rejection letters, “the dreaded cut-and-paste letter that all writers receive no matter … Continue reading BARFLY: Now Available in Paperback and for Kindle

Putting Yourself Out There and Being Rejected

And so it begins… Putting yourself out there and being rejected. I don’t mean from a potential mate, but from potential agents. The query process can make or break a writer. We all think we’ve got what it takes to be the next big writer. Some of slave away for hours, days, months, years on a novel. While some will be happy to say, “I … Continue reading Putting Yourself Out There and Being Rejected

Beta Readers Wanted for The Sound of Madness

As I soon start draft 2 of The Sound of Madness, I am reaching to friends, family, and strangers on the ol’ interwebs to be beta readers. What’s a beta reader? A beta reader is this: A reader who will read your work that looks for typos, grammatical errors, continuity issues, critiquing/commenting on plot, plot issues, characterizations, what could use improving, etc. Basically, I need … Continue reading Beta Readers Wanted for The Sound of Madness