Track of the Day: “Laag” by Bandito Rey

IBandito Rey have to thank my friend Wilson (@WilsonWorld) for bringing BANDITO REY to my attention yesterday. After a bit of a research into the band, the internet revealed that BANDITO REY includes former members of Liverpool’s SUPER CANNES. The band is Ioan Llewelyn, David Murphy, Jams Ward, and David Copley.

I can’t share more with you as a bio and website aren’t currently to be found, but you really don’t need to know anything other than their song “Laag” is pretty damn spectacular. Via a Twitter conversation I had with BANDITO REY, they’ll be releasing new tracks in December, and I hope to see an EP or LP from the foursome too. I’ve already decided that I need more BANDITO REY in my life.

Give it a listen below and leave us a comment and let me know what you think. Are you digging it like I am?

BANDITO REY: Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

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