No Pen Required, An Honest Conversation (Mostly with Myself)

I’ve been working on this post for a while. How long is a while? In a writer’s world, too fucking long is how long but it’s been about 1000 days in the making. Huge exaggeration there, but this post has been sitting in my drafts for the last few months or so. The words haven’t flowed easily and my mind has had shiny quarter syndrome while writing it (that means it’s been distracted by all the things it wants to add into the post). I kind of feel that this is a hot mess of a post, so buckle up, keep your hands and feet inside, and enjoy the ride because this is my 4 AM conversation that I’m going to share even if no one is listening. You’re probably thinking, “WTF? 4 AM conversation?!?” 

Continue reading “No Pen Required, An Honest Conversation (Mostly with Myself)”

Songs of My Life: May 2016

Mentally, I was all over the goddamn place for May. Most of it was in a good headspace but damn the days where it was a bad headspace. I’m good at recognizing patterns my brain takes and signs of where it’s going to fuck with me so I can luckily do a preemptive strike on most of those bad headspace days but the days I couldn’t stop it from happening seemed like what the fuck moments times a billion. I survive though. Mostly through sheer will and my sidekick, music. Some of those bad headspace days, you just crawl into your bed, pull the blankets over your head and go to bed the moment your day ends and some days you share those bad headspace days with someone and their simple words of understanding help more than they know. Continue reading “Songs of My Life: May 2016”


And the thoughts… They invade like locusts on a warm summer night Stopping me in my tracks Surrendering me to my knees Hopeless Confused Struggling for answers Advice from friends Guidance from strangers The answer within Not knowing where to look Just look Look inside But where My heart? My head? My soul? The answer within Nothing within Stillness Quiet Alone No answer within Within … Continue reading Within