Absorb What is UsefulReject What is Useless

“Absorb what is useful. Reject what is useless.” ~ Bruce Lee This quote by Bruce Lee has stuck with me. The moment I read it, I started this post and then lost the thought and perhaps the meaning behind the quote shortly after. Now, several months later, going through drafts of posts, I landed on this post again. Why didn’t I ever finish writing it? … Continue reading Absorb What is UsefulReject What is Useless


If I am honest, I am undeniably single. I have been since 1999. It has been by my choice and I must say, it’s been one of the best choices I’ve made for my life. Some people need someone to feel complete and happy, and I’m pretty darn complete and happy with me. I don’t knock those who need someone, but I am an advocate at learning to spend and love yourself. RuPaul says it best: “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” Continue reading THE $23.69 LIFE LESSON


As 2015 kicks off, I have one target that has consumed me since January 3, 2012: Australia (and if I’m completely honest, it was even prior to that date, but that was the date of my flight back to the US from my 3 weeks in Australia.) While I was on the flight back to the US, my friend Heather said that I seemed sad, and sad was not even close to describing what I was feeling.

I felt like I was leaving home.

There are places that feel like home the moment you step foot in them and I had never understood that until the moment I landed in Key West circa 2000 Continue reading LIVING MY LIFE LIKE A SONG

BARFLY: Now Available in Paperback and for Kindle

Well, it finally happened. I published BARFLY. It wasn’t through traditional means. I didn’t find an agent who found me a publisher who gave me a book deal. I am self publishing it. I can’t begin to tell you how many rejection letters I received for BARFLY. Most of the rejection letters were form rejection letters, “the dreaded cut-and-paste letter that all writers receive no matter … Continue reading BARFLY: Now Available in Paperback and for Kindle