Eargasm of the Week: “Hold Me Closer” by LANKS

LANKS is one of those artists that manages to take sounds that might not individually appeal to one’s ears but once he combines them all together, it is a euphoric melody to the ear. I sort of imagine him in brightly lit scientific lab but instead of smoke billowing from test tubes, it’s a drum heart beat here, a distorted wailing noise there, and the sound of electricity over there…smiling madly as he combines it all into music.

He has quickly moved into our obsession music list. We can’t stop listening and won’t stop listening.

What I like about “Hold Me Closer” is that you can’t help but feel good while listening to the song. This song could be about the saddest day in someone’s life but the way the music and lyrics fall together is absolute happiness. Which is in general how I feel while listening to LANKS.

He’s being super kind and offering a free download at www.lanksmusic.com/holdmecloser so click the link and add the song to your happy mix!

LANKS: Facebook | Twitter | Website
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