Today was suppose to be a post of a short story, but alas, I am allowed to change “my list” as the creative spark ignites.
Besides, I went to see Blondie & X tonight, and I have about 20 mins to whip a post together. (Deborah Harry is still a rock goddess, in case you were wondering.)
And as I read this line from a post on Tiny Buddha, I realized why I am writing and doing this writing challenge: “I didn’t care if anyone knew; I had done it for me.”
With this 30 Day Writing Challenge in exposing and exploring, so far I have realized the following:
- I trust myself.
- I trust my instincts.
- I have an open mind that keeps wanting to open and explore and expose things.
- I have let go of the fear that others might not like what I have to say/write/feel/think.
- I have and am still finding what is true to me and I am loving the journey.
- I am taking risks I would not have previously considered.
- I have so far, enjoyed stripping away at my personal facade to find myself, to find my voice as a writer, to find where I stand as human.
- I have learned what it means to be bold, daring, and risky…and I like it.
- I started living my life without judgement. I am working on not judging people at all for their words, actions, opinions as I no longer judge mine. I remind myself “interesting point of view, I/you have that point of view.”
- If no one reads anything I write, that is okay because I wrote it for myself in the first place as a way to clear out my head, my heart, my soul, my being.
- If one person, ten people, or an entire fucking village reads what I write, that is kick ass and I thank everyone (yeah you, reading this right now) for taking a moment to stop in and peer into my world. Thank you for reading this and anything else you might stumble up on here. That means a lot to me.
- If you read this and want to share it with someone, well by all means, send them a link. If it helps anyone in any way, then rock on. I am glad I could lift, inspire, etc. Thank you for sharing as well.
Mostly in the last 12 days and in the last 2 months, I’ve had a great adventure in self discovery and I am so very glad I was able to trust myself, my instincts, keep my mind open, let go of fear, and be bold.