LISTEN: “H8M4CH1N3” by The Neighbourhood featuring Danny Brown

Boy is “H8M4CH1N3” (Hate Machine) fun!

Featuring Detroit, MI rapper, Danny Brown, the song is signature The Neighbourhood with haunting vocals and a sitar that makes my mind flash back to old school kung-fu movies and sounds of Wutang Clan.

The song is a perfect marriage of rock and rap. The Neighbourhood and Danny Brown compliment each other’s strength and talent and the song is good!

I’ve got the chance to see The Neighbourhood open up for Passion Pit when they first started out and I remember looking at their label rep and the radio representative there and saying to them, “This band is going to go places. There’s something special about them.” They just had this energy on stage that was unlike their tourmates. They played for themselves and if you happen to fall in tune and touch with their music and performance, then it was a bonus for them. So check them out if you can, you will not be disappointed.

Danny Brown: Facebook | Twitter | Website
The Neighbourhood: Facebook | Twitter | Website

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We’d like to thank for their tweet about this song.

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