Love Is…

Love is: is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection
Well that’s the definition given by Wikipedia anway.

But really what is love? What defines love in ones life? Is your version of love different from my version of love?

I am pondering this because a dear friend of mine is falling in love though we are calling it “awe” instead of “love.” “Awe” makes it sound less scary to be letting go of ones heart and walls. Though I don’t think love should be scary if it’s right. How do you know it’s right? I will go with what my parents always told me when they met each other and that was they just knew. Crazy, I know, and I often asked them, how did you just know. They would reply, you just do and when you find the one that’s suppose to be in your life, you’ll understand. I have yet to find the one, but I understand by watching my friends fall in and out of love and I understand by listening and observing.

My fabulous hair dresser asked me if I had ever been in love and I thought a moment and answered, at the time, I thought I was, but in hindsight, I don’t think I had that age-defying-love-of-my-life-love like my parents or grandparents had/have.

Forrest Gump said it best, “I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.” The moment we find it, we know and we hold on for dear life.

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