Meet Cabbages & Kings

Cabbages & Kings
Cabbages & Kings

With a band name like CABBAGES & KINGS, I am of course going to give the band at least four minutes or so of my listening time. Add in a seemingly naked man covered in what appears to be blood while the rest of his bandmates are fully clothed, I’m going to further investigate on the shenanigans of this band because I am intrigued!

Meet CABBAGES & KINGS: “A band full of the drunkest banjo picking, fiddle screeching, chain bashing, squeezebox popping, wire wrangling, bootlegging bandits that the world has to offer,” and speaking of world, this band hails from the world of Melbourne. Australia, not Florida.

CABBAGES & KINGS have supported bands like The Bon Scotts, Juke Baritone & the Swamp Dogs, 8 Foot Felix and Mangelwurzel, and have developed a loyal and cult like following and from listening to their brand spanking new track “MINOR SWING” (releasing October 31st), I can understand why.

For US music lovers who may need a comparison in sound, if I had to compare “MINOR SWING” in sound, I would put it that fun and iconic accordion sound that is signature THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS with a touch of that swingish sound that put SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS on the map.

Listen to “Gingerbread Whores” from their album SOMETHING IS WRONG (available on Bandcamp)
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

CABBAGES & KINGS debut single “Minor Swing” is from their forthcoming album DO PIG due early 2015 through Cubcave/MGM. They’ll be playing the Ding Dong Lounge with Porcelain Pill and Owen Rabbit on November 1st to launch the single.

When I’m given permission to share the song with you the readers, I will, but trust me, it’s absolutely an ear treat!

CABBAGES & KINGS: Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter

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