All the haikus in the month of September included the word love.
You can follow them daily on Twitter.
If you missed them or if you’re not on Twitter, you can read them below

Sept 30
live laugh love
easier said than done
possible and plausible

Sept 29
love a fleeting feeling
that is lost in the void of all
space and time

Sept 28
no quick fix
no rehab from love lost
no remorse for broken hearts

Sept 27
science fiction
more believable than love
that is written in the stars

Sept 26
voice of love
shallow or deep
a fool, a villain or something else

Sept 25
love does not give you life
life gives love
it too steals it away from you

Sept 24
furiously lost in
love’s labor
blindly beating your own heart

Sept 23
exacerbated by loneliness
love is not craved
it is ignored

Sept 22
love never disappears
lives in forgotten corners
haunting the heart

Sept 21
love isn’t black and white
colors of rainbow
bright bold beautiful

Sept 20
love exists
not in my life
but around and within this soul of mine

Sept 19
cold roses
love dying in a vase
symbols or predictions of the future

Sept 18
unrequited love
silently haunts the heart
like a ghost in the night

Sept 17
silence of my heart
you can never know
the love I have for you

Sept 16
heart starts falling
head fills with silence
love is quietening of soul

Sept 15
hard to define‬
‪harder to describe ‬
‪hardest to say i love you too

Sept 14
no magic cure
no love potion number nine
nothing fixes a heart but time

Sept 13
the little things
make you hold on
to love who did not love you at all

Sept 12
‪the lie you tell yourself
so you can fall sleep
‪is that he loves you‬

Sept 11
love, Hold On
meet me in Atlantic City
on Solsbury Hill

Sept 10
depression lies
listen to the voice of love
you are not alone

Sept 9
five a.m can’t sleep
ticking clock is company
silence love lives

Sept 8
are they visions
figments of the imagination
love or sadness

Sept 7
lost moments of love
slip away on wings of a dove
be in peace love

Sept 6
on a full moon night
love cannot shine as bright
in Luna’s light

Sept 5
jaded bitter alone
madness by choice
love didn’t make you that way

Sept 4
what love can I ode
to spring monday
when all I want is to sleep

Sept 3
lazy Sunday mornings
coffee and breakfast
not the same without love

Sept 2
spring time sun fades winter blues
days are longer
love returns to the air

Sept 1
is it better to love
in happiness or sadness
or not at all