
Shelia Confesses

I don’t know why I started this on Twitter. It just seemed like I needed to do it so I did but I am glad it is done. Here are my 61 confessions for May. I did not do one in the AM on May 1st as the idea didn’t come to me until that night. After doing a few, I will confess that I wrote all of these confessions and then scheduled them on Twitter. I did include anyone who confessed something back.

May 1
If I text/call/message 1st, I feel like I’m annoying. If you text/call/message 1st, my day is made
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #Anxiety

May 2
I have no idea how to be a proper adult. I don’t even have matching silverware or a complete set of dishes.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I’ve written 4 novels, self published 2 and still think of myself “not really a writer”
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #IAmAWriter #Writer

May 3
Since childhood & now, when I can’t sleep, I make up stories in my head w/ my favorite TV/movie characters
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I still wish upon a first star every night.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 4
Even after all these years, my #1 favorite movie is Say Anything by @CameronCrowe.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

.@CameronCrowe’s Say Anything still inspires, have “dare to be” tattooed on my arm as a reminder to “be”
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 5
Happy Birthday @TaylorRayne_ I hope to inspire your life like you do mine TaylorTot. I love you & miss you.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

My youngest niece was born today. It saddens me to know it’s the only birthday #LekTaylor ever saw
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 6
My favorite book is The Old Man & the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #Hemingway

Excluding the live albums, I own all but 2 Jimmy Buffett albums (they’re no longer in print)
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #Parrothead

May 7
I enjoy weekends where I don’t have to leave my apartment and don’t have shower or change out of my pjs. #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I hate running but enjoy the zen of running.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #Running

May 8
Today, my niece @RileyShae99 turns 18! She inspires & motivates me everyday to chase my dreams. #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

.@RileyShae99 might be 18 today, but she is still my Stinker & the brightest star in my sky. #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 9
I dont try to avoid running into people who are staring at their phone, now a challenge to see if they move #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

People who are always late, make me want to punch them in the face. #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #PetPeeve

May 10
I can quote the entire #Spaceballs movie. It’s my 2nd favorite movie.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I can be a giant nerd & can carry on entire conversations in #BobsBurgers gifs or #DoctorWho gifs #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 11
It may be old world thinking, but I feel a gentleman’s agreement/handshake is just as good as a contract.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

As a Scorpio, I get obsessive over things. I have had learn my obsessive traits & know they’re not good.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 12
I have to constantly force myself to interact with people. I would prefer to just be left alone by society.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I may want to be left alone, but I don’t want to be alone.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 13
I believe in spirit guides, guardian angels, totems and that the other side is with us guiding us.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I miss @NickDaDawg. He was the best male in my life.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 14
I’m an ass girl. If a man’s butt looks good in jeans/pants. #Swoon
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

Trifecta of attraction: a man has a heartbreaking smile, gorgeous eyes, & an accent.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses #Swoon

May 15
I love the music of Rammstein and Jimmy Buffett equally. Both lift my spirits when I’m feeling down.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

Top 5 favorite bands: Jimmy Buffett, Rammstein, David Bowie, Matthew Ryan, Editors
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 16
Top 5 favorite movies: Say Anything, Spaceballs, Snatch, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Way of the Gun
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

Top 5 favorite TV shows: X-Files, RuPauls Drag Race, Mythbusters, Ancient Aliens, Doctor Who
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 17
Top 5 favorite novels: Old Man & the Sea, Mythology, Whalestole Letters, Pirate Looks at 50, The Odyssey
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

My soul feels at home in two places: Australia and Key West, FL
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 18
I am not fan of cold weather, but I’d move to Iceland if I couldn’t live in Australia or Key West, FL
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I want return to Iceland and drive the Ring Road around the country. (Are you in @Nellie429?)
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 19
I really don’t have a bucket list of things I’d like to do. I normally just say fuck it and do it.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I don’t believe in regrets. I think everything that happens is a lesson learned.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 20
If I’m on the fence about a movie, I will read the entire movie plot to see if it’s worth watching.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

My dream home: a tiny home or a silver bullet air stream trailer by the beach
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 21
If I had to have a “proper” house, it’s got to have a porch with rocking chairs & a swing.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

My favorite scents are magnolias, frangipani, lavender & eucalyptus.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 22
I love hockey. My favorite teams are Charlotte Checkers (AHL) Detroit Redwings (NHL) & NY Rangers (NHL)
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I’m superstitious when I watch my favorite sports teams play.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 23
I believe in planting lavender for luck and rosemary by your door to keep away negative energy
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I believe in smudging & keep a smudging stick on in my kitchen so I can smudge the negative energy away #1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 24
I believe in the Universe and that if you have faith in it, it will catch you & give you your dreams.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

When I came to AUS in 2015, I had no idea what would happen. I just knew the Universe wouldn’t let me down
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 25
I have the humor of a 8 year old boy. I laugh way too hard fart jokes and nut jokes.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I love trees. I believe if you listen they will tell you stories and I still love climbing trees.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 26
I love photos of stairs. I can see their history & stories and know that a journey starts with a step.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I like exploring abandoned spaces.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 27
My favorite colors are gray and purple.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I dislike wearing shoes & would prefer to go barefoot everywhere.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 28
My favorite words: peon, ascertain, procure, epiphany, babushka. I like the way they sound.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I’ve tried to learn Polish, Russian, German & Thai. I’m skilled in none of them.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 29
My favorite dessert is apple pie.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I didn’t have a plan for these confessions. Not even sure why I started them. Just seemed like a good idea
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 30
I still make a wish every time I see 11:11, 10:10, or 12:12 on a clock.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I believe if you see a series of numbers often, it’s the Universe trying to tell you a message.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

May 31
I believe in the synchronicity and serendipity.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses

I still believe in pinky swears. If I pink swear to you, it’s a promise I will keep.
#1111Confession #SheliaConfesses