Songs of My Life: February 2015

February was a short month but for all that is and was holy, it ninja kicked me in the face. Work made me feel like I was slowly drowning in ad plan after ad plan, stack of files after stack of files. Life saw my work out motivation quickly change from all in into, nope, not happening today or tomorrow or even next week. Somehow I survived it all. I always do. I am blessed by the Universe with inner strength even in the midst of a overwhelming, mentally exhausted breakdown of sobbing tears I remind myself to just breathe and bend, do not break.

I don’t know a damn think about this band (and yes, I know I can look them up), but I do know I like this song. It’s pretty catchy! I really dig the lyric “You give me something to think about that’s not the shit in my head.” Sometimes you just need to escape your own mind.
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Anyone who didn’t think Xavier’s new song wasn’t going to be here, must be on crack. I listen to Xavier like most Bible thumpers read the Bible. They have their spiritual guidance and I have mine in Xavier’s music. Anytime I need to reset my spirit and reconnect, I listen to Xavier. And this song does just that. “a message in my dreaming. I bring my hands and I must stay and I will graciously set you free…And I believe we are one and we are sacred.
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I have been looking forward to the sophomore release from Dead Sara since I bought their first album. I really just freaking dig this band. Emily’s voice is so distinct and strong on most of Dead Sara’s stuff, but at times it can be soft and sad. If you ever get a chance to see them live. Go. This foursome is just kicks ass live. For me, what I like about “Mona Lisa” is that it showcases the band’s growth without compromising that sound that is distinct Dead Sara…a ninja kick to the teeth you never see coming. The song starts out almost innocent with the humming and snapping before it grabs you balls and just rocks you to the core. And the lyric…“I know what you want, but it’s not gonna be what you like.”


This gem from Our Lady Peace is an unreleased track from the band’s vault. They’re doing something pretty cool by emailing fans who signed up for their list songs that didn’t make albums, b-sides, unreleased songs, etc. “Hurt Yourself” was released on Bell Let’s Talk Day, a day in Canada where they try to end the stigmata surrounding mental health. From the band: “Hurt Yourself” was left off of Healthy in Paranoid Times and today I feel the reasoning is clear. The song deals with the frustration and challenges that so many of us deal with in daily life. Hopefully this song can provide a glimmer of faith and optimism that tomorrow will be a better day and as a society we can begin to understand that mental health should be regarded no differently than when someone is sick with any other disease.” This song couldn’t have arrived in my life at a more perfect time. As someone who’s battled her own mind, someone very near and dear to my life, confessed their own darkness to me. I wanted to take hold this person and take their pain away so they wouldn’t self-harm, but all I could do was hold them and let them feel what they felt, but at least it was not alone. These lyrics… “You’re not alone and it’s all right. You don’t need to hurt yourself to feel alive. Don’t you run. Don’t you hide…”
If you’re reading this and thinking about taking your life or self harming yourself, please, please pause for a moment, just one moment and reach out. Reach out to me or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA) at 1-800-273-8255 or visit


I Mother Earth Twitter ConvoSuper stoked to have new music from this Canadian band. I have dug IME since their debut album “Dig” and have kept up with the band and all of their happenings since then. I was very fortunate to be able to see the band play at Rocky’s in Charlotte, NC back in the day. (Like I was 16 or 17 back in the day). When they said they were going to release a new song (their first since 2012), I was super stoked. Of course Canada radio picked it up and shared the excitement and I tried like hell tuning into Canadian radio via the internet to hear it, but never did. 🙁  I preordered the song anyway. I knew it wasn’t going to be shit, but the band did something really cool or maybe it’s just cool to the fan girl in me. The shared the song via Soundcloud for a limited time. The image to the right is the Twitter conversation I had with the band and as a fan of music and this band, that’s pretty fucking rad. And “The Devil’s Engine”…it is the much needed ROCK I dig and need in my life. Nothing fancy, just guitars, bass, drums and raw talent. Raw and real: how music should be not hidden beneath autotune and autocorrect.


I am so happy I stumbled onto this band. I really can’t get enough of them. They have been releasing some really fantastic and infectious tunes that I’ve had on repeat. “Walls” is from their upcoming release “For The People Inside” (available March) and I for one am ready to own it and add it to my music collection. “Walls” is so much fun and makes me want to dance around the house. It was the upbeat tune I needed to survive February. Heck, if I’m honest, all of The Midnight Hollow’s tunes helped me get through February by always putting me in a good mood. I am also madly in love with Spencer Draeger’s voice. I think he could sing the McDonald’s menu and it would be lovely.
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Another discovery of 2014 that has made my music loving heart happy…LANKS from Australia. While IME might be raw and real with just guitars and drums, I’ve discovered that LANKS can make a computer/keyboards or whatever the hell he’s using sound raw and real. “Hold Me Closer” is from his forthcoming EP and is just a splendidly radiant song lyrically and musically. I can’t stop listening to it. Like “Walls” from The Midnight Hollow, “Hold Me Closer” has just been a go to good mood song.
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I’m not sure where this gem has been hiding all my life, but whoa. I actually heard this song last night and I think it’s a perfect ending to February’s playlist. I can’t even explain why this song is awesome. It just is.


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