
SOTM: March of the Pigs by Eighteen Visions

Hellooooooooo face melting tunes!

Eighteen Visions released a new album this year that is 18V before OBSESSION era vocals and more UNTIL THE INK RUNS DRY and VANITY vocals. One of the things I have always loved about Eighteen Visions is James Hart’s voice. He manages to belt out screams that aren’t an assault on your ears.

Some vocalists who scream their vocals sound like two feral cats fighting in a wool sock…horrible.

James knows how to scream into the mic with feelings and it comes out powerfully and beautifully.

The fine people of Metal Hammer released a compilation CD METAL HAMMER GOES 90s and Eighteen Visions does an extraordinary cover of the Nine Inch Nails track “March of the Pigs.”

I’m not going to lie, when 18V tweeted it and I listened to it, all I tweeted and said to myself was “Holy S.H.I.T” (in the voice of Data from Goonies of course).

Fuck the band nailed this cover.

Listen to it below.
If you want more covers by 18V, check out their cover “Beautiful People” (Marilyn Manson), “Quiet” (Smashing Pumpkins), and “Paradise City” (Guns N Roses).

For more on Eighteen Visions: website | Twitter | Instagram
