Track of the Day: “Quantum” by Heiress to Atlas

VIDYA SETHU and MARC THOMAS teamed up via Craigslist two weeks before Vidya was planning to leave L.A and viola, HEIRESS TO ATLAS was born. “In awe of the improbabilities that aligned their pasts, the duo began to build their future on what their combination inspires; a bold electro fusion sound that they call renegade synthpop.”

If you listen to the lyrics, you can hear the inspiration of their story within the song. What we like about the song is how the rawness of the beats compliment Vidya’s voice.

The duo is playing a handful of dates and you can catch them at:
February 20th @ State Social House (West Hollywood, CA)
February 26th @ Five Star Bar (Los Angeles, CA)
March 24th @ The Copper Door (Santa Ana, CA)

HEIRESS TO ATLAS: Facebook | Twitter | Website

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