Track of the Day: “Skinny Blues” by Jeremy Loops

Today’s track of the day comes from JEREMY LOOPS. Jeremy hails from Cape Town, South Africa yet I get a very distinct, pint swinging Irish vibe from “Skinny Blues.”

Or at least, while I listen to “Skinny Blues,” I want to be swinging a pint around and singing this song at the top of my lungs in an Irish bar.

By day, Jeremy runs GREENPOP (an organization that battles the deforestation of Africa) and by night, he sings and entertains his fans. He is a full time activist and a full time good time activist. (The best kind I think.)

Lend your ear to his song “Skinny Blues” below and let us know what you think.

JEREMY LOOPS: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Pick up “Skinny Blues” on the album TRADING CHANGE on iTunes

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