#07: “11:59”

SONG: “11:59”
ARTIST: Michael Franti

Back on November 11, 2013, I wrote a post titled “The Song that Opened My Soul” and it was about the power of this song.

This is what I wrote:
Music normally touches one person’s life, but it is music that touches one soul
that makes it amazing and spiritual.
There I stood on a boat somewhere in the middle of the ocean with 2000 plus of my newest friends finding my soul ripped open and positivity and love being poured in. It was as close to the Universe (or God, Buddha, Allah, whatever your religion is) as I was going to get. There have been a handful of times where music has brought me to tears and I have always thought it was the emotion I connected the song too, but on Rombello I realized it wasn’t the emotional connection. What I was connecting to was the song gifting my soul with love and spirituality. Music is a powerful weapon of love and connects people together to change the world for the better (and yes, it can be a powerful weapon of hate, but I feel those are far and few between). More often than not, music is a healer, a lover, and a spirit guide.
Music will open your hear and your soul to a different way and better way of thinking and living

This song has been the song my soul sings when it needs to be heard by my heart and mind. This song gives me hope, faith, and belief. This song reminds me we are “ONE HUMAN FAMILY.”

Some of us just lost faith altogether…No way, they say, it can’t be this way. That’s why so many people stand up and say: One love, one blood, one heart, one soul and one drum and only one rhythm, One tribe and all of us singing…”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7AUcDey5Sg]