#09: “Forget”

SONG: “Forget”
ARTIST: Stokeswood

If you know me and you don’t my love and support of STOKESWOOD, then you might not know really know me at all. I knew their EP 2075 was going to fabulous, but I just didn’t know how damn fabulous it was going to be. The gem that is “Forget” is such a beauty. You can read about its inspiration on my life here. I knew without a doubt this song was going to be in the Top 10 for the 40 at 40 because from June 2015 and even now, I turn to this song to find the courage to live my life. I know you might be thinking, once you start living, you can’t stop or forget, but the truth is, I do stop and I do forget. I get lost on my path. I get discouraged chasing a dream. I fall. I stumble. I cry. I kick at the air and shake my fist at the Universe. THIS SONG guides me back to my center…Forget where you come, learn to live. Forget where you come from, live again…”

Listen on SoundCloud or Spotify
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOV5IycLakw]