100 Facts About Me

  1. I’m a writer…I’ve written 4 novels (non published), in the process of writing at least 4 more & write poetry
  2. I’m a dreamer. I dream big, ask for the galaxy, and hope to catch a falling star.
  3. I’m an arm chair astronomy geek. I love star gazing. Have loved it since my Uncle Roy taught me how to find the Big Dipper in the sky. I even have the stars in the Southern Cross tattooed on my arm.
  4. I’m a music lover. I listen to music roughly 16 plus hours a day. It also helps that I work for a radio station is in the entertainment industry.
  5. I’m a huge hockey fan. I love every aspect of the sport. The Detroit Red Wings & New York Rangers are my favorite NHL teams. The Charlotte Checkers is my favorite AHL team.
  6. I like red & white wine equally.
  7. My favorite bar is The Gin Mill. The staff there is family to me and were there for me when my mom passed away. They kept me laughing when I needed it, hugged me when I needed a hug, and never let me drink alone.
  8. I’m a Twitter addict.
  9. I am not a Facebook addict.
  10. My zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  11. My Chinese zodiac sign is Rabbit
  12. My favorite movie is Say Anything.
  13. My favorite book is The Old Man & the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.
  14. My favorite writer is Mark Danielewski.
  15. I am inspired by the creativeness of Jimmy Buffett, Cameron Crowe, & Mark Danielewski.
  16. I own all but 2 Jimmy Buffett albums (they are no longer in print).
  17. My top five favorite artists (in no particular order): Rammstein, Jimmy Buffett, Editors, Xavier Rudd, Donavon Frankenreiter
  18. My top five favorite movies (in no particular order): Say Anything, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Way of the Gun, Spaceballs
  19. My favorite movie quote is “I’m looking for a dare to be great situation” by Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything.
  20. My favorite Jimmy Buffett lyric is “According to my watch, the time is now, the past is dead and gone. Don’t try to explain it, just nod your head. Breathe in, breathe out, move on.”
  21. I believe in reincarnation.
  22. I believe in signs from the Universe.
  23. I’m donating my body to the University of Tennessee for their forensic science program when I leave this earth.
  24. My soul feels at peace the moment I step foot in Key West, FL. I never thought I’d have that feeling anywhere else until the moment I stepped onto the beaches in Bondi in Australia.
  25. I love the ocean.
  26. I want to learn how celestial navigation.
  27. I believe in UFOs.
  28. I love to draw & paint.
  29. Was a vegetarian with a somewhat pescetarian diet until I went to Australia. Don’t know if I’ll go back to being a strict vegetarian again.
  30. I would be a vegan but I love goat cheese and cheese in general to give that up.
  31. My favorite dessert is creme brulee or carrot cake.
  32. I have done 36 shots in one night @ the Music Farm in Charleston, SC. (I didn’t feel all that great the next day of course.)
  33. Won $400 in keno in Vegas in 2009. $200 at the Bellagio breakfast buffett and $200 at Caesar’s Palace.
  34. I love playing craps @ Bill’s Gambling Saloon in Vegas.
  35. I wanted to be an astronaut until the 6th grade. It’s the one dream, I regret giving up.
  36. I took 3 years of auto mechanics in high school. I was the 1st female to take the class and to graduate  with the credits. I grew up in the garage with my dad. This was natural for me.
  37. I can change my own oil, rebuild an engine, but am scared to connect jumper cables to a battery.
  38. I love to read.
  39. I am a hopeless romantic.
  40. I want the undying and dedicated love that my parents & grandparents have/had.
  41. I hate being late and it aggravates me when others are late.
  42. I love yoga.
  43. I hate working out.
  44. I want to learn how to surf.
  45. I want to swim with sharks.
  46. I want to swim with dolphins.
  47. I want to see a NHL game at every team’s arena. (I’ve been to Philips Arena for former Atlanta Thrashers, RBC Center for Carolina Hurricanes, Verizon Center for Washington Capitals, and Madison Square Garden for New York Rangers)
  48. I want to meet the Dali Lama.
  49. I love to walk around cities/places and explore. You can find some of the best kept secrets and hidden treasures that way.
  50. My nieces are the brightest stars in my sky. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for those girls.
  51. I love being lazy. Lazy days in bed, lazy days on the couch, lazy days sitting on a patio doing nothing but talking, drinking, and hanging with friends.
  52. I love when it thunders and lightning during a rainstorm.
  53. I don’t understand American football and would rather stick hot pokers in my eyes than have to watch a game.
  54. I didn’t mind arena football & worked Arena Bowl twice in New Orleans on their “radio row.”
  55. I never knew New Orleans pre-Katrina, but it is one of my favorite places to visit. The people there are so dedicated to their city.
  56. I love raw oysters but cannot eat the giant ones, they make me gag. I prefer my oysters with a little horseradish and cocktail sauce. I never liked oysters until my first trip to New Orleans. My friend Cristi’s husband, Deano, got me addicted to them.
  57. I was so nervous meeting Olympic & World Figure Skaters while I worked Ice Wars, I thought I was going to vomit. I was more nervous meeting the skaters than I was Metallica, Motley Crue, or any other big name rock band. Meeting Brian Boitano, Kurt Browning, Viktor Petrenko, Oksana Baiul, Kristi Yamaguchi, Alexei Yagudin, Iila Kulik, and the others were so freaking cool! I have loved Brian Boitano since 1988 when he won Gold.
  58. I like doing things by myself. Vacations, dinners, movies, concerts, etc. If I had to wait for someone to go with, I’d never get anything done.
  59. I find guys who can wear a white t-shirt, Levi’s and flip-flops extremely sexy.
  60. I also find guys in a well tailored suit sexy but I prefer the above.
  61. I have 9 eight tattoos. My 1st was a bear holding a flower on my right shoulder (he’s my traveling companion so I never travel alone), 2nd Woodstock from Peanuts on my heel, 3rd butterfly on my lower back, 4th symbol for rabbit in the Chinese zodiac on the back of my neck, 5th sunburst below the Chinese Zodiac, 6th an orchid for my mom & Air Force symbol for my dad with the letter “S” uniting them on my left shoulder, 7th a bass clef shaped into a heart with the hearts shaped into a 4 leaf clover on my left wrist, and my 8th tattoo actually now incorporates my 6th tattoo. It’s on my left shoulder/arm/back. It has the lyrics “I will never forget, I will never regret, I will live my life closer to the edge” from “Closer to the Edge” by 30 Seconds to Mars with flowers on my arm/shoulder/back. It is a tribute to my mom. My 9th tattoo is on my right shoulder and has the constellation for the Southern Cross with the words “The Time is Now” and “Dare to Be” in it.  My 8th & 9th pieces were done by Travis @ Fu’s Custom Tattoos. I have become a lifetime customer.
  62. I use to have my navel pierced but removed it. I also don’t normally wear earrings. I have 3 in each ear and lost my nose ring in a drunk night. I will more than likely get my nose re-pierced again.
  63. I have a weakness for guys with a gorgeous smile and eyes that have a sparkle in them.
  64. I will always do a double take if a guy has baby blues and dark hair.
  65. I am teaching myself how to speak Russian & German. I haven’t mastered either.
  66. I turned 21 in Thailand and it was one of the best birthdays ever spent breaking the language barrier, drinking soda, and dancing with family and friends. We didn’t understand each other but for one night, we spoke the same language.
  67. Kevin Fogarty is my personal ray of sunshine. I’m so honored he’s a friend and in my life. He never fails to brighten my day when I need it the most & he never knows I need it. I just randomly get a message or text but it’s like he knows.
  68. I cuss. There are days that I probably could put harden criminals to shame. My favorite cuss word would be fuck. It’s a noun, verb, adverb, or whatever you need it to be. I rarely cuss in front of my dad or mom when she was alive.
  69. I love my friends to pieces. I hold them close to my heart and I will never bullshit them. I will also, not put up with bullshit. Don’t ask my opinion if you’re not ready to hear the God’s honest truth. You don’t have to agree with it. You don’t even have to like it, but if you’re a friend and you asked, you’re going to get brutal honesty.
  70. Though my family means the world to me, they are not necessarily my world. We go days and sometimes weeks without even talking. It doesn’t mean I love them any less or they love me any less. I’ve come to understand that you can have family ties but you cannot let your family tie you down from living your dreams. Luckily, my family encourages me to dream big.
  71. I can spend hours reading every article on CNN.
  72. My only opinion on politics is this: I’d like to have someone in office that won’t muck it up for future generations. I don’t care which party you belong to just don’t screw up anymore and be nice. Stop telling lies. I don’t trust you to begin with so just be honest.
  73. My only opinion on religion is this: Believe in whatever helps you get through the day. If you want to pray to the dodo bird, so be it. If you want to pray to the heavens, so be it. Just don’t hurt anyone along the way.
  74. I think if we all adhere to this John Sebastian quote, then we might be all right, “Just love everybody all around ya and clean up a little garbage on your way out and everything gonna be alright.”
  75. One of my favorite photos is by Robert Doisneau titled Kiss by the Hotel de Ville
  76. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a bit naive when it comes to things, but don’t mistake that as stupid because I’ll school myself in a subject and master it.
  77. Graduated in the Top 10 of my high school class but never went to college.
  78. I tried to learn guitar but 2 things stopped me: an ex-boyfriend told me I was tone deaf and I couldn’t find a guitar with a neck board that I could wrap my hand around. I should have never listed to the ex and I shouldn’t have stopped looking for a guitar I could hold.
  79. I have learned after all these years I have lived to admit when I am wrong.
  80. I have also learned after all these years to say thank you when complimented though it’s hard for some retarded reason not to insert some sarcastic joke.
  81. I contemplated suicide once. I decided against it of course. I didn’t think anyone would care if I was gone.
  82. Having said above, I gave myself the arm chair diagnosis of depression. I don’t know how I came out through the dark alone and without drugs, but somehow, I did.
  83. I believe I have met my guardian angel. His name is Eddie and he has a dog named, Vance. The night before I met him, I had a dream with him in it. He looked like Hugh Grant in my dream but in person he was wearing everything and doing everything Hugh Grant was doing in my dream. We sat on the beach and talked for hours. I never saw him again after that. I believe he was sent into my life to save me from the dark.
  84. I know my defense mechanisms for keeping people out of my life and they are distancing myself, turning myself away from someone, jealousy, ignoring someone, and sometimes just being a down right bitch to someone. I feel that if I push them away, I can’t get hurt. Which never works and I know that now.
  85. No one knows the real me. Not even my closest and dearest friends.
  86. My ovaries don’t ache for children. If I met the right man and he wanted children, I would have them but my biological clock isn’t screaming at me. If the right man came along, and he didn’t want children, I’d be okay with that too or even adopting.
  87. I have had visions of my children. A little boy and a little girl. I have the boy first, then the girl. This vision came to me a month prior to #88.
  88. I do not have my left ovary. It was removed in 2002 when I had 25cm cyst removed. The cyst was the size of basketball.
  89. For almost 5 painful months, I couldn’t move anything on the left side of my body. I had a bulging disc pressing against my spinal chord which paralyzed/numbed everything on my left side. Since my surgery, my left hand and shoulder start to tingle, letting me know I’m stressed out.
  90. Away from my job, I am an introvert. At my job, I’m an extrovert, but it takes a while for me to warm up to that.
  91. Purple and gray are my favorite colors.
  92. I have watched all 9 seasons and 2 movies of The X-Files.
  93. If there is a Mythbusters marathon on, I will watch it. I have seen every episode.
  94. I miss my Mom saying “Goodnight baby” to me. She said it every night until the day she was taken to the hospital. I say it to the thin air around me or to my dog Nick (formerly her dog) now.
  95. My mom, Lek, aka Crazy Little Thai Woman passed away Dec 17 2009. The day changed my life forever. Even though she’s gone, I became a better person and a stronger person through her death.
  96. I have hated hospitals most of my life. I prefer to never go in them.
  97. I love making jewelry. I totally zen out while creating it.
  98. I have killed all the plants ever given to me except for 1 from my friends Amy & Joe. It somehow has miraculously survived living with me in my apartment since I moved in. I have nursed it back to health a dozen times.
  99. I can quote most of Spaceballs and Goonies by heart.
  100. I am a night owl. I hate mornings.

Coming up with 100 facts was down right hard, but there you have it. 100 facts you could care or care less about. It took me 10 months to write this. Damn, I’m glad I’m done.

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