30 Day Song Challenge: Day 5 – Song that Reminds You of Someone

There are so many songs that associate with memories and with people, places, and life events, but this song, means the most to me.  This song reminds me of my mom.  This was the song that was playing when I got out of the car when she went into the hospital and that night after emergency surgery on her brain, when I got back in the car, I hit repeat. I listened to this song in the car on repeat for over 6 days. I vowed I wouldn’t stop listening to it until she got out of the hospital. She passed away on Dec. 17, 2009, and when I hear this song, I remember life and her words of wisdom. I remember what a beautiful soul and spark she had.

Listen/watch and turn the music up.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLqHDhF-O28?rel=0]

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