A Stream of Consciousness with No Answers

That’s fancy talk for babble…

So yesterday, I posted 100 Facts About Me. I’m not sure why I wanted to put so much of myself out into the Universe, but I just felt like I needed to.

I have been in a mood lately and by mood I mean mentally, I have been in a bad mood towards myself.

Outside world, good mood.

Inside my head, bad mood.

Maybe, I just needed to vent or share or put my soul out there for the world to crush or for someone to read it and realize they weren’t alone.

I mean, it’s why I write.

Creatively, I write to quiet the cast of character voices in my head and by blogging, journaling, etc, if by sharing, I make someone’s day, then it was worth putting it out there for the world.

I had this grandiose idea that when I returned from Australia that I would have all of my life questions answered. Though I did return with a lot of answers and epiphanies, I came back with even more questions. Questions more for and of myself. I’m not pissed off about those questions or even frustrated because I realize I am growing.

I also realized that I have way too many things going on in my life. I’ve got about a dozen blogs I write for and run, but none consistently enough to make a damn difference. So I will be spending this week combining my efforts into just a few. This one obviously stays active and so does my hockey site and maybe I’ll combine my personal Twitter and my hockey twitter into one. Who knows? These are thoughts just going through my head.

I don’t have it all figured out yet…this is just a stream of consciousness with no answers.

Listening to the Red Wings vs Calgary Flames game

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