
April Haikus

Whether good or bad, observation or feeling, I am still enjoying the challenge of writing “western haikus” every day. You can follow them daily on Twitter. If you missed them or if you’re not on Twitter, you can read them below.

April 30
sunrises and sunsets
the sun and the moon
saying hello and goodbye

April 29
coffe and me
we are besties
tackling the day together just to be

April 28
welcome the ending week
herald in the relaxation
of weekend

April 27
secret of life is
living loudly and loving

April 26
life is a grandiose idea
of love and laughter
with pink sky sunsets

April 25
good morning sunshine
it is you, me and lots of
of coffee writing

April 24
any one any one there
is any one there
any one any one does any one care

April 23
‪eyes that sparkled like stars‬
fire within that kept
him warm in the darkness

April 22
coffee, how I love thee
comfort my soul
warm my bones I’m in love

April 21
time to retreat into
the darkness and heal
my broken soul and heart

April 20
reality unchecked
a mind unhinged by madness
soul blackened by hate

April 19
a tired soul plus
an exhausted heart are two
things the mind cannot control

April 18
power of a simple touch
the heat of skin against skin
small things missed

April 17
wasting the day away
with people you love
not wasteful at all

April 16
give me coffee and
a good book
will happily stay in bed all day

April 15
Saturday mornings
coffee in bed
lazy beginnings to new days

April 14
blue sky views forever
lush green forests
closer to Mother Nature

April 13
forgotten forgiven
going down in flames
of red and orange to hell

April 12
dear world I apologize
we are not like the
idiots in office

April 11
Shouting as loud as they
can but no one heard
the screams of the blessed damned

April 10
Cold chilly wind
Feeling lungs with crisp air
Summer slowly slipping by

April 9
coffee fills the air
smothering flames of despair
filling soul with hope

April 8
there’s a moment of hurt
not being enough
but being still in love

April 7
canceled trains rushing
broken down train stuck on tracks
quitely sit wait

April 6
Embattled mind mine
Doubtful soul mine and
My heart is torn between the two

April 5
do not care nor
do not love these are
lies I tell to protect myself

April 4
bite my tongue
hide my words
pretend feelings are in another world

April 3
rain rain rain rain rain
all it does is fucking
rain rain rain rain rain rain

April 2
Rain against glass
Howling rage of wind
Another Sydney autumn day

April 1
moment of sadness
someone looks at you and
see they no longer care