Being the Weirdo I Truly Am

“What if you were willing to be the weirdo you truly are?” ~ Dr Dain Heer

I really love that question.

Are you willing to be the weirdo that you truly are?

If you had asked me that question in 2012, I would have said no. I would have tried so hard to conform to society and hide amongst the shadows.Ask me that question now, I will say without a doubt YES! I will Sharpie it in a permanent tattoo on my body…that’s how absolutely positive I am to be the weirdo that I truly am.

What changed?

Becoming comfortable in who I am, the choices I make, and in my way of thinking.

Having said that, this week, I kept questioning if I was truly comfortable and questioning the sensation of if I was uncomfortable, but then I watched this video and then realized, that the uncomfortableness I was feeling, wasn’t uncomfortable at all.

It was a feeling, a thought, and an emotion that I just hadn’t felt before.

We all make choices. Most choices are made without consciousness attached to it. I no longer make choices that way. I ask myself if choose this how will it affect my life. I ask myself if I don’t choose this how will it affect my life. I choose the answer that feels light and true to me and then don’t look back.I wish I had been living this way all along. Instead of choosing things that made me seem this way or that way. Instead of choosing things that made others happy. Instead of choosing things that didn’t ripple the water. Instead of choosing things that didn’t make me stand out amongst the crowd.

Now, I choose things (right or wrong, good or bad) and stand by them. I am not ashamed of the choices.

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