Letting Go

Anna sat starting at the three envelopes and several pieces of blank paper. “Make a mental note to fire yoga instructor,” her brain said to herself. Sighing, she grabbed a pen and a sheet of paper. Write with reckless abandonment she thought. “Easier to write with a shot down,” she said. Taking a deep breath, she could feel a battle of wills coming on. The one … Continue reading Letting Go

Life Lesson From Jimmy Buffett: That’s How I Came to Know Another Good Friend

My beautiful friend and sistah from another mister, Adrienne sent me this tweet yesterday and she had no idea how much that one tweet made my day. I started #LifeLessonsFromJimmyBuffett on Twitter in August because his music means a lot to me and I thought it would be fun to wax poetic with the lyrics of his songs. Besides, there are a lot of life … Continue reading Life Lesson From Jimmy Buffett: That’s How I Came to Know Another Good Friend


FEAR N. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat V. be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening Since September is exploring and exposing myself through writing, as I walked my dog, I asked myself, what did I fear in my life? The dark, ghosts, and spiders … Continue reading Fear

Take Risks, Have No Regrets

Risk :: noun :: ˈrisk :: possibility of loss or injury, peril :: someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard You know what the definition says to me? Scared. Scared to move forward. Scared to take a step back and try another path. Scared of your limits. Scared to push your boundaries. Scared to step beyond your comfort level. Scared to step outside of … Continue reading Take Risks, Have No Regrets