Chivalry Isn’t Dead

There are a few men left on the earth that will hold a door open for a woman, maybe even a few that will make the woman walk on the inside of a sidewalk, and there are even some that will offer their seat to woman when she joins them. One can learn a lot from a man’s actions in situations like the ones I just wrote.

I spent the afternoon with a bunch of kids, all boys except for one loan girl, and as I watched them play and splash about in the pool, I had my faith in gentlemen restored. The boys were considerate, listened to their parents, listened to the lifeguards, and were appreciative of everything. They were well behaved and all around great kids…helping each other design their frisbees and sharing candy and cookies.

A lot of their manners and upbringing can be attributed to the integrity of their parents. The parents of all the kids are also considerate, outstanding humans. Parents that love, care for, and want to raise great kids and they are doing an exceptional job. Parker, Noah, Aiden, Keating, Finn, & Kane will be outstanding grown men because they rock as kids! And Miss Celeste, the loan girl, I have no fear that she will always have 5 older brothers to watch after her like her real older brother.

Chivalry isn’t dead…it is alive and the children who I spent the day with showed me that the future is going to be bright.


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