DRAG MONDAY: “Rise Like a Phoenix”

Austrian singer, Conchita Wurst, rose to international fame when she won Eurovision with the song “Rise Like a Phoenix”. As Conchita said to journalists after her victory, “It was not just a victory for me but a victory for those people who believe in a future that can function without discrimination and is based on tolerance and respect.”

We here at 16 Clefs give a round of applause to Miss Conchita Wurst on her win and for making others take note. That’s why today, we feature her in our Drag Monday spotlight. Yes, it may not be your “traditional drag,” but we love all forms of expression and support everyone. Besides, she looks amazing in that dress!

Conchita Wurst: Facebook | Twitter | Website

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaolVEJEjV4?rel=0]

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