When James Hart of Eighteen Visions (18V) fame started Burn Halo, he had a fan in me as soon as I heard about it. I was a ginormous fan of 18V and was heartbroken when the band announced their break up. As a fan, I had always hoped they break up would be short lived but alas it wasn’t and when Burn Halo came out with their first full length, I was happy to have Jame’s vocals back in my ears. There is something very distinct about his style of vocals. Even if he is “screaming” in the song it carries a certain melody. I’ve always just loved the sound of his voice.

The first Burn Halo (self titled) album was a departure from Eighteen Visions of course, but felt like an audio sister to the 18V’s last and also self titled album. Burn Halo’s second album “Up From the Ashes” was a lot more louder and aggressive and I had no complaints on that album. It is a solid album from beginning to end.

Somehow, I missed Burn Halo releasing their new track “Wolves of War” in January (shame on me) and if you are/were an 18V fan, “Wolves of War” will not disappoint. Holy smokes Batman! If I didn’t know better, I would say it was a new 18V track. Burn Halo has channeled their inner “kick you in the face” aggression. It’s angry, full of metal riffs, pissed off drumming, throat clinching bass, and enough angst to make you want to stay on the good side of Burn Halo.

If “Wolves of War” is any indication of how the 3rd album (to be decided/announced release date) is going to be one fucking amazing album and we here at 16 Clefs cannot wait for it.

Listen to “Wolves of War” below and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below if you love it or hate it.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/128386157″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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