My Life Choices Are Mine

There are days when you wake up and you have that feeling in your bones that it’s going to be a great day and then there are days when you wake up and you have that feeling that the world as you know it might come to end.  This morning, I woke up on the thin line in between those two. Something has been bugging me for a few days and I wasn’t sure what it was, and today, it hit me. A few people to remain nameless that I know had made comments to me about things in my life. It didn’t bother me when they had said it and I didn’t think at the time it would bother me, but I woke up this morning realizing that they had subconsciously planted a seed in my brain and that it had started to bloom. I had let the negative voices and the naysayers into my head.
Then as I was reflecting on everything I let get to me, I was reminded of a blog I wrote in 2009 called “To the Lust of the Life” and it made me remember the people in my life that matter. The ones that get me and don’t try to plant seeds of doubt but seeds of creativity, giggles, laughter and good times. The ones that like you for you and the ones you like for them being them.  It made me look at the people in my life and realize it’s time to weed the garden again.
As I told DZL today, I am only responsible for my actions and the choices in my life. If you don’t like my actions and my choices, you can fuck off

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