No Tea, No Shade

I am obsessed and I have no shame in this obsession with drag queens. I love them. I want to be like them when I grow up.

Now, some of you are like…what the?!?! You’re a girl. They’re a boy dressed as girl…lady boys.

It’s so much more than that really.

How many women do you know in life are that ballsy confident, that ballsy sassy, that ballsy honest, and that ballsy sure of themselves…with or without balls.

Sure, there are some women who are out there given the world their all, but most of the time, we as females beat the shit out of each other, become catty little bitches, and wouldn’t mind seeing the downfall of our “perceived” enemy.

What makes me respect drag queens even more is that through out their cattiness and if you’ve ever watched Ru Paul’s Drag Race, you are more than aware that a man in heels can be way more catty than a woman in heels can be, there is one thing that ties all the girls together: true sisterhood. They may hate each other, they may tolerate another, but in the end, a bond is there. A bond created out of being different and being the same. They encourage self love and self respect. They are true to themselves and to the world. Realness. Sickening. Fierce.

No truer words have inspired me more than Latrice Royale’s “Be fierce today” and Ru Paul’s “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else.”

I mean, I like to think I am a samurai sword wielding rock & roll ass kicking diva in my head, but in reality, I am an introvert out side of work, shy, keep to myself girl. At work, I put on a facade of courage to talk to strangers because it’s my job girl. I have often tried to mesh the two into one when it comes to my life outside of work. Occasionally it works with liquid courage or a sudden lack of fear, but more often than not, I am the wallflower, blending into the background. I’m okay with it and I know when I’m being one or the other, or if the two or meshing. I am also very lucky to have a great support system of gal-friends. We don’t try to backstab each other. We fight, we forgive, we forget. We will heckle and encourage and catch each other in a fall.

They are all sickening fierce hunties. No Tea, No Shade.

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