songs of my life march 2018

Songs of My Life: March 2018

March’s message is simple: Everything’s gonna be all right. Listen on Spotify Listen/Watch on YouTube or below “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley This song drifted into my head at the beginning of the month and has stuck with me through it out. My anxiety has been off the charts February and March. The attacks make everything seem it’s falling apart even if it may not … Continue reading Songs of My Life: March 2018


The Voice That Speaks Inside: Part Deux

It’s funny how life works out. Sometimes you jump and the Universe catches you. Sometimes you jump and you fall on your face, but you get up, dust yourself off and try (or jump) again and the Universe catches you. Sometimes, it’s the small voice that speaks inside that says, remember. And I remember. I remember this. My career mentor and friend, Jack Daniel, once said … Continue reading The Voice That Speaks Inside: Part Deux

songs of my life February 2018

Songs of My Life: February 2018

I gave myself a challenge on February to post one new piece of writing every day. Be it a poem, thoughts, etc. You can read all the pieces HERE. Some were inspired by feelings, thoughts, emotions, reactions, events and so on. Things I learned from that challenge: I wrote a poem (Innocence’s Caress) that reminded someone of Catullus 85 by Catullus and that was pretty rad … Continue reading Songs of My Life: February 2018