
The Girl Who Waited

Those fans of Doctor Who will get the “the girl who waited” reference and those don’t watch Doctor Who probably don’t care about the reference. I honestly battled with the title because I have felt like little Amelia Pond waiting on the Doctor’s return and have felt like Amy Pond when she waited for Rory and the Doctor to return to Apalapucia, but also at the same time, … Continue reading The Girl Who Waited


SOTM: March of the Pigs by Eighteen Visions

Hellooooooooo face melting tunes! Eighteen Visions released a new album this year that is 18V before OBSESSION era vocals and more UNTIL THE INK RUNS DRY and VANITY vocals. One of the things I have always loved about Eighteen Visions is James Hart’s voice. He manages to belt out screams that aren’t an assault on your ears. Some vocalists who scream their vocals sound like two feral … Continue reading SOTM: March of the Pigs by Eighteen Visions


July Haikus

Another month of haikus down. It’s become a morning ritual of sorts. I am still enjoying it. You can follow them daily on Twitter. If you missed them or if you’re not on Twitter, you can read them below July 31 morning sun upon my skin rays of joy fill my blood new day begins July 30 I hear drifting laughter saddening hearts lost souls shedding skin and … Continue reading July Haikus


Have You Listened To: The Grassbillies

I’m going to go out on limb and say, a lot of people probably haven’t listened to THE GRASSABILLIES. The Grassabillies are from western North Carolina and are fronted by Luke Edwards (Animal Bag, Tater) with Robbie Helton (EmiSunshine) and Randy Saxon (Overmountain Men). Robbie has said in other articles, he wanted to resurrect his old band The Grassabillies and with Luke and Randy on … Continue reading Have You Listened To: The Grassbillies


The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. And like that, poof. He’s gone.” ~Verbal (The Usual Suspects) If the kids in Stranger Things have “The Upside Down”, I have “The Darkness” and I don’t mean, “I believe in a thing called love” Darkness. Though I do believe in a thing called love, “The Darkness” I was hanging out … Continue reading The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled