Sometimes a Comment Brings You to Tears

WARNING: Contains spoilers to The Anger of Angels

I have a coworker who’s opinion I truly and deeply value. I hold a great deal of respect for them as they are one of the wittiest, smartest, and damn fine humans I know. A few weeks ago, they made a comment on one of our end of day calls that they were reading a new novel. Me, always looking for a good book asked what it was.

It was The Anger of Angels. It was my book.

Insert instant nausea.
(first image below was my message to them. Out of respect of their privacy, identity has been hidden.)

Today, I slacked said coworker to just kind of vent on a project we are working on together and got the response of “What would Heua do?” And I died laughing. (second image below) And they are right. She would do something stabby. That simple comment made my day and made my afternoon better.

Then they followed up with a comment that left me in tears.
Good tears.
“Book was a great read, cliff hanger ending was cruel…”

As you see from the third image, instant vomit again.
I was and still am flustered and awed by their words.
No, let me back this train all the way up.

First, I am honored they took the time to read The Anger of Angels and support me. That alone brings tears to my eyes.

Second, their words, blew my mind away and left me in tears at my kitchen table this afternoon. (Sydney’s in lockdown and we’re all working from home in case you’re living under a rock.) While I write for my own sanity and don’t seek validation on anything that I create, to have someone I respect say something kind about the work I have created is a wonderful feeling and those words will only carry me further into my writing.

And last, but not least, their comment on the description of Orion (third image), solidified my own self confidence in my writing. I consider description a weak spot in my writing. I’m a believer of give the reader enough to let the imagination play and while I had a very distinct image of Orion in my head, I didn’t want to create an image set in stone, but I also had show how terrifying he was at the same time.

I can’t thank Damn Fine Human enough for their kind words.
They may seem little or meaningless to some, but their words gave this creative soul a big ol’ smile and reminded me to be confident in my work because I do write well and made cry the good tears.
Thank you Damn Fine Human from the bottom of my heart and soul for reading my novel and for enjoying it. I will be forever grateful to you for the time you gave The Anger of Angels. It means the world to me.