Songs of MY Life: January 2015

Dear January,
You had to know rhyme nor reason, but you were beautiful, amazing, heartbreaking, eye-opening, and kicked off 2015 with a bang. The Universe showed me beauty, heartbreaking sadness, moments of strength, and that if you believe and talk it out, and are there for someone when they need it the most, it wraps everyone in a hug that is needed. January was indeed about helping someone heal.

“The Wino and I Know” by Jimmy Buffett
It’s funny when the song was added to the playlist it was for me. A reminder to live my life. Now as the month comes to an end, it’s for a special soul close to me and these lyrics remind me of them: “I’m just tryin’ to get by being quiet and shy,
In a world full of pushin’ and shove…”


“Call Me Out” by Gareth Asher
I’m honored to call Gareth a friend and am very glad a click it Sharpie and MySpace brought our paths to cross. This song like “The Wino and I Know” was added to the list for me and turned inspiring me for the same person. I instantly connected to song and this more than anything, these lyrics “the love me I have in me, I will use it” helped someone start the healing process and that my friends is a beautiful, beatiful thing.


“Anything Else But the Truth” by The Honorary Title
All though Jarrod is now part of The Night Terrors of 1927 I miss the energy that was The Honorary Title. I had the fortunate chance to see THT live and Jarrod’s voice had more soul and power I have ever seen in one human. I was moved and blown away. For this song, it popped up on my iTunes and reminded me of things left unsaid or things I’d like to have the courage to say to someone. “There is only one thing that has yet to be said, I am holding back. There is only one thing that has yet to be said, and it’s alright…Well I don’t think that you warrant anything else but the truth…”


“Uncatena” by Sylvan Esso
Had the extreme pleasure to see this band live this month and I was completely blown away. As I stood in a sold out venue, elbow to elbow with strangers, I just found these lyrics beautiful and poetic.: “All I want from you is a letter and to be your distant loverThat is all that I can offer at this time.”


“Jesus Walks” by Lostprophets
I loved this song the first time I heard it and I still love it. This song blared on a darkened road and I sang it at the top of lungs, letting the Universe comfort me. Hearing it brought tears to my eyes as it was exactly what I was going through at the very moment helping someone: “I’m not the only one who seems to know, you might get lonely. I know it’s a lot to take in but, you’ve got to sing it with me. They tell you Jesus walks but baby he’ll just walk away. No matter what you do, you’re gonna have to fight someday. Cause baby when it’s you and me, we don’t need guns to fight a war. We will never lose. If it’s you and me, we’ve got a chance to live for more. We could make it through, singing…Hey now, dry those eyes, you will recover, no more compromise…stay strong fall and rise when it’s all over…never stop singing…” And today, I received a text from this person that said for the first time I cried happy tears and my own heart smiled.


“Field Trip” by Kik Tracee
This song has always reminded of simpler times of childhood and I needed to be taken there this month.


“Better I Don’t” by Chris Janson
This song is just fun and a reminder that sometimes it’s better for me to not always take the dare. “So it’s better I don’t, cause believe me I will. I get looser than a line on a fishing reel. Dare me don’t do, don’t think I won’t, take it all off, turn it all on. Get buck wild, hell bent, and stoned. It’s better I don’t.”
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