Songs of My Life: July 2014

July…blistering hot sun and days where it’s 99 degrees even in the shade and I loved every moment of it.

“Fortune Teller” by Xavier Rudd
These lyrics: “Need to be the one. Redefine yourself. See it in your mind, this is all a game. Do it all again. Redefine yourself. See it in your mind, this is all a game. This is my fortune…”

“Sunk” by Matthew Ryan
I love the hopelessness and heartache in this song. It’s so sad and beautiful. “When the past has crawled so high, that you’ve forgotten how you would try…I used to think that nothing lasts, but I was wrong ’cause some things last. Like the ache of watching you of letting you sink to sunk…I’ll leave my words where you can see, should you decide you need me”

“Evil With You” by People in Planes
The opening of this song, gets me every time. I often forget how much I really dig this song until it pops up on a iPod shuffle mix. This song resparked an idea I had for a novel and made me have one of those EUREKA moments with a character.

“Gimmie Something Good” by Ryan Adams
New Ryan Adams. Period. End of Story. Love the following lyrics: “I was playing dead. Didn’t make a sound. Holding my breath. Going underground…All my life, been shaking, wanting something, holding everything I have like it was broken…”

“Eyeshadow” No Devotion
I was super stoked to see the remaining members of Lostprophets move forward and continue to make music. I have always thought Lostprophets were an underrated band. Joining forces with former Thursday (another underrated band) frontman, Geoff Rickly, the guys formed No Devotion. July gave us the debut single “Stay” but I can’t stop listening to the B side “Eyeshadow”. To me, there is a hint of my favorite 80’s British icons (Depeche Mode, Cure, The Smiths) with music that just sticks to your memories like salt air on damp skin. I look forward to hearing the full length LP from this band.

“Howling” by RY X
I discovered RY X by the way of his other band, The Acid. I really dig the sound of his voice and love the simplicity of this song.
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“The Oaf” by Big Wreck
Over in the land of Facebook where I don’t dwell that often (aka not my favorite social media platform), I saw a friend post that instead of filling FB feeds with usual mundane updates of life, fill it with great music instead. I was given the letter B and before I could even fret over how hard it could possibly be to find an artist I would want to share with others, Big Wreck popped into mind. I wrote on FB: The guitar intro for this song is iconic to me. Then add the lyrics and you’ve got poetry in motion.

“Doin’ My Thing” by Luke Bryan
I think it surprises a lot of people when I say I like the music of Luke Bryan. I have seen him perform in radio station conference rooms, small clubs, listener backyards, and large venues. I like his music because you can just let go of the world for a while. I ended the month of July with a little day trip to see Luke Bryan with Lee Brice and Cole Swindell. And this is one of my favorite Luke songs. We should all just do our own thing like the lyrics go: “I’m just doin’ my thing. Just floating on a breeze…Don’t worry ’bout me…”

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