Songs of My Life: March 2014

March only had 6 songs. It was a weird month. One where I finished the first draft of my novel The Sound of Madness (yay!) and couldn’t find the energy or motivation to start the second draft (boo!). A month that brought the beginning of Spring with snow and as it comes to an end, I am happy to see March end. I’m over snow. I’m over gray skies and freezing temps. I’m over March.

“Burnin’ Bed” by David Nail
I just like the emotions in this song. It’s my favorite off of David’s new album. I’m not his biggest fan, but I dig this song.

“Dancing in the Dark” by Tom Smith of Editors
What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful cover of Springsteen. It is might be one of my favorite covers I have ever heard. Smith’s voice is just amazing: emotional and heartbreaking. This song by Springsteen will always hold a special place in my heart. It was my mom’s favorite song by The Boss. She absolutely adored him and just thought he was the best looking guy in jeans and a t-shirt (I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree as I have an affinity for guys in jeans and tee as well).

“Our Streets” by Stokeswood
I adore this band. I want them to take over the world and I want everyone to love them as much as I love them. This is their new song from their forthcoming album and I patiently waited for midnight to hit and bought the song on iTunes the moment it went on sale. It captures the essence of the band on wax. If this band is in your neck of the woods, I highly recommend going to see them. You will not be disappointed. They are amazing live and through your speakers.

“A Song for Where I’m From” by Lostprophets
This song popped up on my iPod somewhere between Ohio and West Virginia during my St Patrick’s Day Road Trip Home (to CLT) and it just connected with m lyrically because I was going home to be with my family…real and chosen. “Can’t you feel it tonight. Memories will glow in this light. This place where we grew up, will always be the heart and soul of me, the place that sets me free…but it still feels like home to me and even if those days have gone, they give me strength to carry on…cause not everyone gets a chance to change the beat to the same old dance. We know where we belong so raise a glass and sing along…”

“Cannonball” by Paperhouse
Krissie, my fellow music loving friend, put this song on a “Krissie Mix” and I fell in love with this song. I like the sass of the music and the lyrics.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=4b1987&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

“Morning Light” by The Dirty Guv’nahs
This song reminds me of my chosen family. I am so glad I got to spend St Patrick’s Day with them. It was much needed and a reminder that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for that group of knuckleheads. “All I get is this one little light you see. What I want is the freedom to just be me. There’s no place in this world I wold rather be…All my good friends, let’s get together. I still believe it. We’re chasing forever. This is the season, I need you around…”

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