Songs of My Life: March 2015

I never know if the songs of my life will have a consistent theme or message each month. Sometimes, it’s obvious as each song connects but most of the time, I don’t see a theme/message until I sit down an reflect and write this post. The theme/message of March was one word: RELEASE.

I have/had a lot of pent up stress, frustration, emotions, thoughts, blah, blah, blah and this month it was all about letting it all go or as my saying for this month has been: “CHUCK IT IN THE FUCK IT BUCKET”

I thank March for the messages, but I’m also ready to chuck March into the fuck it bucket.

Without further ado, here are the songs of March.

These lyrics caught my ear: “So stand up, shout it out, and put ‘em in the air if you like it loud. We only got one shot, so let’s make it count, it’s a take down, nobody can stop us now. Stand up, shout it out, sing it loud, so the world can’t drown us out and before we depart, let’s leave a mark ‘cause light shines brighter in the dark”
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This song is kind of how I’ve been living in March: “I release the countless questions. I release my point of view. I release the expectations…may a good day come and find me…” Release your questions, expectations, and point of view and the Universe will surprise you with magic.
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I couldn’t escape this song this month. I wasn’t bombarded by radio, but by television. It seemed to play in every commercial when I watched television and since I currently only watch RuPaul’s Drag Race, Fast n’ Loud, Undateable, and What Could Possibly Go Wrong it shouldn’t happen that often but it did so I figure the Universe was trying to tell me something with this song. I don’t know what, but I can’t deny-ny-ny-ny that it’s a fun song. Which probably why I needed it in my life this month.
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Xavier’s new album NANNA was released this month and I’ve listened to it at least twice a day or more. This song was the first song to kind of just touch my spirit. There’s just something about this music and beats in this song. “We’ve all been designed to believe and I believe.”


This song. These words. I think he got in my head!
“I’m weeding an endless garden on positivity and happiness. If i’m bringing my soul to you, betcha money there’s a reason I believe…If I’m bringing my soul to you, coming at you with truth in my eyes…strong feeling everything gonna be just fine…”


Gareth’s music brought my friend, Krissie, into my life because we are both fans. I knew of Gareth from his band Illbreak and have been a fan since. He and his band THE EARTHLINGS released their album HERE WE ARE this month and Krissie sent me a text: “Go listen to G’s new song “Restless Soul”. It’s you.” And she was right. These lyrics are how I feel: “If all I am is what’s in front of me, then I see you now, a field of broken dreams. If all I am is all that’s underneath, let the winds carry me to the things I don’t see…”
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1142794105 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc tracklist=false artwork=small track=328340730]

I could go on and on why I love Matthew’s music, but just know that he has a magnificent way with words and lyrics. Each song always paints a vivid picture. I think the Universe gifts songs for a reason and on the last Friday of March, this song was stuck in my head and these lyrics were on repeat: “I will carve from you my life, couldn’t care less, it feels all right…I’m cutting it close, killing the ghost.” I think it was a way for me to just release all that was bothering me and realizing it was okay to just kill the ghosts of March. (I couldn’t find any audio/video, trust me this song is damn catchy and you should buy it.)

I cannot get enough of this band. They are my current obsession in music. I kind of feel like a dealer, I just want to push their music onto everyone and make them fall in love with their music. They have been my go to band when I need to escape. I can put their music on, throw on a pair of headphones and escape the world. This song is from their EP FOR THE PEOPLE INSIDE and I didn’t think they could top their single “Forward” but holy smokes, this song is just fantastic. If you’re not in a good mood after listening to this song, then I don’t know what is wrong with you.” I love these lyrics: “Beyond my means, honey do you know what that means? Cuz at this age it’s okay, I gotta bartender’s wage I say…why have a life when it’s a part time thing…Following the paper trail to the pretty hearts…”
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