Songs of My Life: October 2012

Speechless by Morning Parade
I was very fortunate to see this band not once but twice in one day. Acoustic & plugged in. Not only are they one of the nicest bands you will ever meet, they are superb live and funny. Besides any band that can put tsunami in song is okay by me.

Everything I Once Had by The Honorary Title
When this band came out, I caught a live show of theirs with maybe thirty to fifty people and I was completely blown away by Jarrod’s voice. On stage stood this young skinny little white kid in a t-shirt and skinny jeans but the voice that came belting out of him was one of wisdom and soul. The emotion in Jarrod’s voice when he sings this song still brings tears to my eyes after hearing it for the first time in 2005.

Trust by Neon Trees
Bands who have a hit or more off their debut album, often fall short on their sophomore album, but Picture Show, Neon Trees’ follow up to Habits is stellar. Every time I listen to it, I find something new to ooh and aah about. I highly recommend this album over Habits. I really like the lyrics, “Falling down can feel strange. No one remembers your name, you’re losing the game. That’s the thing about trust. It’s always the same sad story again. You lose all your friends. That’s the thing about trust.”

Someone Else by [26]
I can’t speak highly enough about this band and about their new album Sunshine Salvation. This is my favorite song from the new album Sunshine Salvation. It’s infectious, catchy, and just a damn great song. My favorite lyrics are “If I’m not crazy enough, then take it up with someone else.” FUCKING. BRILLIANT. PERIOD

Let it Ride by Ryan Adams
Sometimes with the things that life brings you or has brought you…good or bad…you have as the song says, “Let it ride. Let it ride easy down the road. Let it take away all of the darkness…Let it ride. Let it roll. Let it go.”

Thrift Store by Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis
As the song says, THIS. IS. FUCKING. AWESOME. Watch the video and enjoy

Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast) by Lostprophets
I loved this song the first time I heard it. It’s an anthem song for those that feel like no one hears them. It tells you that you have scream your heart out, and as my niece, Riley, and I drove to Asheville she was going through my iPod and was stoked to see Lostprophets on there. She said this was her favorite song by them. I sang this song badly to her at the top of my lungs and told her to never forget the chorus: “This is all we got now…never gonna regret watching every sunset, listen to your heartbeat, all the love that we found…standing on the rooftops, scream your heart out…”

Culture Bleeding by Xavier Rudd
Possibly my favorite song off of Spirit Bird, and when I have that moment of disconnect with my own spirit, I remember the lyrics “We need it culture bleeding. Big spirit, come guide our souls. Fill me up with your love.” This is song is so beautiful and amazing live. I am so honored to have seen Xavier Rudd twice within 14 months.

Live Like a Warrior by Matisyahu
I like the positive messages behind his music and lyrics and I shared this song with my niece when she was having a down moment in her life. I told her to listen to the song and lyrics and to embrace the message: “…some things you should let go, they’re only gonna pull you down…today, live like you wanna, let yesterday burn and throw it in a like a Warrior…”

Free by Twin Atlantic
      This song was remixed and used for Felix Baumgartner’s jump from the edge of space and it was fitting. When I heard the song for the first time (prior to said jump), I really connected with the lyrics: “Where’s you passion, where’s your fire tonight,I can’t believe there’s nothing you’re willing to hide, I want to believe, I set my body on fire so I could be free…And don’t be told it can’t be done, because the best all die young…And if there’s nothing left to say, just have the guts to disagree…”
And if you missed Felix’s jump, watch it below. It still brings tears of awe to my eyes.


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