Songs of My Life: October 2015

October has been the month of changes for me, taking leaps, and realizing that life is a choose your own adventure novel and that if you don’t like the choice you made 10 seconds ago, you can make a new one right now. All the songs have been notes to my inner self that I am going to be okay and that fear can be conquered and dreams chased after.

So if you know me, the Editors latest album IN DREAM has been highly anticipated in my world. I just love the lyric: Life is a fear of falling through the cracks…” as it describes how we all feel at one point or another. October wa
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This may currently be my favorite track from IN DREAM. This song has resonated with my soul and the lyrics kind of describe where I am and how I am feeling at this very moment in my life: “Pause for the silence. Inhabit the calm of the storm. This is your ocean, an ocean of night…Gaze at the skyline, under the ocean of stars. This is your slow dance and this is your chance to transform. Lost in a moment, the moment you confront the storm…”

The moment I heard this song, my soul connected to it. It ranks up there in my “Top 10 Favorite Songs” by Jimmy. I always feel inspired when I hear it. Somedays are the hope we have for our dreams and sometimes those somedays turn into “the time is now” days. My jump to Australia can be summed up with this lyric: “I don’t have a plan…It’s just sometimes I know that’s the way I’m supposed to go…” For me Australia has been my “someday I will” and now it’s “the time is now” moment and this song has been my reminder for that… Don’t need to know who may help you make it come true, just say someday I will. Don’t have to work it all out. Don’t have to tear it all apart. All you need’s a place to start and if it never worked before try it just once more. That’s what your heart if for…Just say, someday I will…”

I have loved Michael’s music since I saw him perform in a conference room for a few radio employees prior to his first album I AM. His latest album ELEVEN is just as fantastic as the first. As I said at the beginning of this post, October has been a month of changes and this song was my reminder that life is short and that we should never stand still in fear of change. Change is scary, but what is even scarier is letting life pass you by. “I only know one life. This one. I want to live it like I’m never going to get it again…”
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Another song from ELEVEN and another reminder that I know my instincts and my heart are correct in knowing that even though I don’t have a plan, everything will be fine in the end. “I wish everything was obvious and made sense to us, but it doesn’t. But the pieces and parts, they click and go together like works of arts…and it works out fine…”
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Even though I may not have a solid plan for Australia and I’m trusting the Universe to catch me when I leap, part of my rational and logical side of me craves reassurance that I am not making a giant faux pas in my life even though my instincts, gut, and heart know that there is never a a faux pas made when chasing a dream. This song was the note to the rational and logical side: “Don’t worry ’bout a thing. Heaven knows what the day will bring. There’s a big ol’ sun lighting up your sky, burning off your blues and let the good light shine. It’s gonna be all right…”

First, I have to thank my soul sister, Heather, for this song. Many moons ago, she tweeted, this song reminds me of you and it’s one of the songs that instantly is a pick me up. There is also a line in the lyric that always reminds me of Heather as well: “only rainbows after rain” as she has a tattoo on her arm that says: “No rain, No rainbows.” As I was traipsing around Iceland seeing another gray and rainy day, I often found myself singing this song in my head. “…I’ve been trying to survive…This is just a journey, drop your worries, you are gonna turn out fine…I know it’s hard to remember sometimes, but you gotta keep your head up and you can let your hair down…Only rainbows after rain. The sun will always come again. Its a circle, circling, around again, it comes around again…”

Somewhere along the Skeiðarársandur part of Iceland, this song was gifted to me. Lonely Planet calls this part of Iceland “soul crushing” but I found it soul inspiring. It may be desolate and lonely to others but I found  hope and with this song, I found faith. The single word said in clarity at the end of the song. This song matched beautifully to the scenery that I was seeing and the feelings that were going through me.
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