
This post isn’t about actual sunshine, it’s about people in your life that bring it. I have one person, I call my personal ray of sunshine, Kevin F. His mere presence in a room lights up the room and his smile makes me smile. I don’t get to spend a lot of time with him but when I do, I leave feeling 110% better and 200% more motivated to take on the world. He is happiness and joy bundled into a human being. I know I’m not the only person that feels this was about Kevin. He is just amazing and I’m so honored to have him in my life.

Another friend, “Smiling Zombie,” has also become a ray of sunshine. His mere offer to buy me drinks after he made sure I was all right brightened my doom & gloom afternoon. It made me realize that the people I have chosen to have in my life are good people. We somehow found each other and have meshed. Friendships are great like that. Friends do come and go, and if you recognize that, I think the ones that stay and become something more than a seasonal friend turn into something you didn’t know you needed in your life.

So I dedicate this to all my friends and my rays of sunshine and the sunshine himself.

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