Time Flies

Damn, the month is over. Felt like yesterday when I wrote my last post…apologies all. I wish I could say I was out saving the world, creating cures for disease, and fixing the ozone, but I was either watching Doctor Who or running.

At the end of April, I decided to watch/rewatch Seasons 5, 6 & what had been shown of Season 7 so I would be fully prepared for the Season 7 Finale on May 18th (AMAZING) and then I just started back at Season 1 (9th Doctor) and am now working my way back to Season 7 again. I forgot how much I enjoyed Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor and how I didn’t like David Tennant’s Doctor at first but then realized he was a good Doctor in Season 4 and how I feel more connected to Matt Smith’s Eleventh quirky and sometimes awkward Doctor. I remembered Rose & Martha annoyed the piss out of me, Donna made me laugh at her snarkiness, and how Amy was kick ass and through it all Rory was still the best companion. Clumsy, klutzy, fearful his love might love someone else, always there, never gave up and was the most real human character ever. Yep, I’m a geek. If you don’t like it, I don’t care.

I’ve rather learned a lot from the Doctor…run…

And running is I’ve been doing. I still don’t like it, but I like the solitude of running. Just me, my thoughts, and sometimes, Nick da Dawg. My shins hurt, my knees may pop out of my skin, and my ankles may just very well flip me the bird and give out on me, but we make an agreement to just get through it and see how we feel in the morning. There are days when my body says, “Try it, I dare you.” I of course dare it, and it shuts me down. I listen to it. It occasionally listens to me. Mostly, I just listen to it.

So that sums up May. I have big plans for June that don’t include marathons of Doctor Who (I’ll be completely caught up with all seven seasons this week), but do include upping my run/walk/jog to 5 to 6 miles a trek vs 2.5 to 4 miles a trek, dropping those pesky last 5lbs, making my muffin top not so doughy (aka toning the abs), writing my damn-near-the-death-of-me novel, start training as a no-meat athlete for a half marathon in October, crushing my debt (or ideally taking 10-25% into the closet and beating the shit out of it), and dominating the Twitter world with my useless thoughts and babble.

The latter, I got down pat.

May, GTFO. June, let’s do this!

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