To the Lust of the Life

As my dear friend Adrienne screams when she’s doing a shot that she shouldn’t do, “Ow, my life!”

Not that my life is in “Ow”
It’s very far from “ow.” It’s actually a great life. I have great friends and a great family. I have a great job that I enjoy going to daily. Life is good.
I think “Ow, my life,” when I have a negative thought or bad day and it makes me realize that my life doesn’t suck. So thank you Adrienne for that little saying. For that I give you my saying of “imaginary balls.” * Come on, you know it’s great 🙂 *
And then my other dear friend Amy sent me a link to her blog today and it’s great (and yes, I’m biased – we’re friends but I’d tell her if it sucked too) and it inspired me. (It inspired me to write this blog entry.) She inspired me to be more truthful than I already am and be more of me than I already am. So thank you Amy for telling me about your blog and sharing a slice of you life & thoughts with me. We do get wiser as we get older & we learn to stand up for ourselves and it is the freedom that we gain that makes us all amazing people.
But they are also 2 of my friends that inspire me with their sheer lust for life. Life may throw rocks at them and they may take the hits, but they dust off the rubble, flip the naysayers the bird, get back on their horses (or bikes) and continue to ride toward that setting sun.
I love that part of them.
I have a circle of friends that are undoubtedly the craziest, most inspirational, and supportive friends in the world. I couldn’t write without them.
They inspired me to finish The Dumbing Down of Love. They encouraged me through text messages, tweets, emails, etc as I spent 28 days in February giving up every social opportunity to hang with them. Yes, there were the occasional, “come out instead but we understand why you’re not here.” They were my backbone when I thought I had none & they were my inspiration for my characters in The Dumbing Down of Love. Every character in that book has a part of them. Every part of them is in every part of that book. Like my characters that live in my head or on paper, without my friends, I am nothing, but with them I am everything.
Yes, writing is a solitude job, but living life shouldn’t be one of solitude. It should be filled with people that inspire and move you towards your dream.
So this blog entry is dedicated to all the beautiful souls who inspire me, who move me, who laugh with me, who encourage me, who challenge me, and who help me hone my craft.
I dedicate the song below to all the ones in the world that crave that “lust of the life.”

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