Track by Track: Soul by Eric Church

Soul is the final instalment of the Heart & Soul collection that Eric has released in April.

Heart and Soul were released to the masses while & was released to his fan club, the appropriately named Church Choir. (genius marketing there ladies, gents, and non binaries…seriously good marketing)

While both Heart and Soul are stand alone gems in their own right, they do flow seamless from one to the other. And if I assume the singles “Through my Ray Bans” and “Doing Life with Me” are on the & album, it would seem that the trio of albums is a happy ménage à trois. Each a smooth transition into the other.

I wrote a Track by Track of Heart, here if you’d like to deep dive into it but if not, let’s just jump straight into Soul‘s tracks without a whole lot of hullabaloo.

Rock & Roll Found Me – whew…what a jam to kick the album off with. The quiet and slick bass line had me hooked. If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for a bass line and this album is full of them. This song sets the tone of the album. Fun. Funky. Groovetastic. I’m pretty sure this song is how every rock & roll music lover feels when the power of rock & roll found them. It’s just a damn good song.

Look Good and You Know It – dirty and I don’t mean Xtina “Dirty”. Soulful and dirty and the bass, sweet Lord baby Jesus, it hits the back of your spine and you find yourself toe tapping and making that dirty funk face because the groove is just too damn good. This song is full of bluesy and 60’s du woo feels and it rocks my fucking world. The chorus should be sung by everyone to their reflection in the mirror!

Bright Side Girl – I honestly don’t have an opinion about this song. There’s nothing wrong with it but it doesn’t hit the mark or move the needle for me. It’s more of an interruption than anything else.

Break it Kind of Guy – Goddamn do I dig this fucking song. The rhythm and bass guitar hooked me from the beginning. Add the lyrics and reel me in, scoop me up and throw me on the grill, I am D.O.N.E. It’s a real shame Bright Side Girl is between this song and Look Good and You Know It as it breaks the funky slap foundation of these two songs! I love the falsettos both Eric and longtime back up vocalist JoJo hit with vigour and passion. This song will have you toe tapping and shaking your rump.

Hell of a View – should I get married one day, this song will be played. I. FREAKING. LOVE. EVERYTHING. ABOUT. THIS. SONG. Don’t have anything bad to say about. Just love it. It’s a beautiful soulful confession of being in love.

Where I Wanna Be – slow, funky, brassy and classy. There’s an image I think of when I hear a song like this and it’s of the big screen couple coming together for a dance after whatever has driven them part has been defeated. Raise a glass of whiskey and get on down with your bad self.

Jenny – My least favorite track on the album. Mainly because I know a few Jenny’s and I don’t like them. Like Love Shine Down on Heart, this song just seems odd man out.

Bad Mother Trucker – my dad was a truck driver so this song will hold a special place in my heart and my mom would always hit the road with him and though she could not drive, I imagine if she did, she would be the bad mother trucker of this song. Like the others, the rhythm and bass hooked me in and the lyrical story kept me. I love these lyrics: “…she’s the reason I rock, the reason I roll. I make my living on the road. The reason that smoke stays in the stays in the stack…” Its great tribute to a kick ass mom (real or imagined).

Lynyrd Skynyrd Jones – this song is a beauty and the more I listen to it, the more I fall in love with the simplicity of it. These lyrics: “…been thinking about your Mama since that Tallahassee show, yeah son I am your daddy and my name is Curtis Loew…” I let out a hell yeah on the last four words. Mic drop. Peace out. Didn’t expect that at all.

FAVORITE TRACK: Another tie. “Break it Kind of Guy” and “Hell of a View”

MUST LISTEN TRACK: “Break it Kind of Guy”


Of the two albums I do favor Heart over Soul, but when listening to them back to back, for me, it’s just one great album.