Track of the Day: “4UROR4” by N0RTHRN.LGHT5

MATTHEW KAMMERER (aka MKAIO) has a new side project called N0RTHRN.LGHT5 that is “heavier, fuzzier, harder mix of Trap, Electronica and House”.

From Matthew, “This side project began when my PC crashed and I lost all my work on my next Mkaio record. Sending it in to be serviced and attempt to recover my data, I had a couple months in which I just could not be idle. So I envisioned another musical outlet, one where I could explore some harsher sounds, some harder beats, and mix my love of electro, EDM and hip hop.”

GR33N.4UR0R4 features cover art by renowned digital artist, Beeple, which will be out on January 6, 2015.

After listening to the EP, I wanted to feature, “4UR0R4” as the track of the day because to me this would be the sound of the rising sun over ice cold snow and the sound of the morning sun melting away the previous nights chill. The song is melodic, relaxing, and serene. I have never seen the beauty of an aurora, but I imagine this song would make a beautiful soundtrack to those beautiful lights in the sky.

N0RTHRN.LGHT5: Bandcamp | Facebook | YoutubeWebsite

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Listen toGR33N.4UR0R4 all of at Soundcloud


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