3 Week Challenge: No Sweets, No Alcohol

So, I’m giving up sweets and alcohol for three weeks.

I know, roll your eyes, say yeah right, whatever, and so on.

This is how this got started:

I understand where he’s coming from. I’ve went from inactive pseudo slob to working out 5 times a day for the last two weeks. Where this sudden motivation came from, who knows and I don’t care because it’s cleared my head a lot over the last two weeks and it’s motivated me to make personal health changes.
So I sent a response back to Andrew. He’s always inspired me with his tweets about running, cycling, and doing more physical and before I could stop the send on the tweet, I had committed to doing this same challenge from the States. (He’s in Australia.)
As I went for a run today, I reached into the cabinet and then stopped myself. I wanted that little bit of energy rush from a piece of candy. Something that would carry me through my workout or at least make me forget that I was feeling as if my blood sugar was going to drop. I screamed “fuck” and closed the cabinet door. Reopened the cabinet door and grabbed the piece of candy (mini Laffy Taffy) and shoved it into my pocket for just in case emergency passing out.
I had no plan of attack when I said I would take this challenge on. Just the thought, “Friends can’t let friends do this alone, because giving up chocolate is unfair. I’ll do this even if I’m 16 hours behind.”
And there you have it, sweets or alcohol for me for the next 3 weeks. It’s perfect timing. When I am able to consume it all again, it will be for my very dear friend’s wedding on August 11th.
It’s going to be totally worth the wait.
Listening to “Start Livin'” by Donavon Frankenreiter

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