34 Days…Still Counting Down

Last evening, the Boomerang Babes got together to bond and discuss Australia.

We’ve discovered that we have enough “travel” to go bags than we will probably need. We all agreed on what adventures we definitely wanted to do, what we could do with out, and set the expectations of the trip.

Expectations: do all that we can within the time we have and within our budgets.

It was a great evening with friends, a few drinks, and dinner. I can see us doing the same thing while watching the sunset on some beach somewhere on the coast or watching the stars come alive somewhere in the Outback.

It will be a learning experience for us all. It will be a journey full of laughter, shenanigans, fun, and probably a fight or two, but we will come back better than we left (if possible) and wiser.

I have officially started counting down the days. My head drifts between daydreaming and work.

The Southern Invasion begins soon…Australia, you have been warned.


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