Celebrating the 4th

I’m not sure how I can recap what a fantastic weekend this was…it was as if I had been on vacation and it was a much needed break from reality…

Friday, I met up with Emily Beth, Heather, & Lisa Marie at The Gin Mill where Rob & Dan proceeded to whip our asses in “bar olympics.” I then went to see Mego play at Crown Station Pub with Clayton & Emily Beth.  What a ridiculous fun night of good music, laughter, and friends.

Saturday, lunch was oysters and crab legs and then to The Gin Mill for pre-birthday party drinks with birthday girl Emily Beth, Rob, and Mike. Which turned into a full blown birthday party of round 2 of “bar olympics” with the dudes once again, kicking the girls’ asses. Add in Toss Up Dice Game, water gun fights, and discussion of opening ceremony times for “Summer Olympics 2011 at the Linders-Pierson Casa.”

Sunday…Summer Olympics 2011…bloody marys and margaritas at 12:30 pm, more water gun fights, make shift Toss Up Dice Game, cards, fireworks, kiddie pools, dog shenanigans with Rob, Mike, Dan, Henry, Kelly, Mark, & Emily Beth.  Who knew that water guns could be so violent, that Henry was probably an explosive expert in a previous life, that zero gravity chairs are amazing, and that 7 adults could power through a bar full of liquor and beer in 10 hours.

Monday…Happy 4th…everyone wakes up from wherever they passed out…Toss Up is broken out…bloody marys, mimosas, brunch awesomeness, discovery of firework shrapnel everywhere, and a recap of laughter, fun, and shenanigans…

Carmel Station Bar & Grille is christened…Rob and Mike have decided we can all return…livers are on the mend…dignity and self-respect are still hiding in the corners and in closets…wounds are healing…burns are throbbing less…3.5 days of fun…

Happy 4th of July to everyone. Happy Birthday to Emily Beth.

Nick da Dawg and I will sadly return to reality….sometimes you need to disconnect to reconnect…I have discovered once again what makes me happy….and that’s some serious hang time with some great friends.

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