Feel Good

I’ve been reading various agents, editors, publishers, writers, etc discussing NaNoWriMo.
This is just an inspiration update…a feel good entry…maybe, I’ll just call this entry FEEL GOOD DRAG (stolen from a song title by Anberlin)
I wrote 2100 works today. 400 more than my goal. Go me!
We’ll see how tomorrow goes. I loose steam about a week or two into NaNoWriMo. Once I get off track, I find it hard to get back on track and then beat myself up over it.
Then I remember my friend Stephen Fogg. (Please read his blog called “Fuck You Cancer” You will be moved & inspired.) The crew that loves and supports Stephen are raising money for him by selling F U Cancer bracelets but instead of letting us do something for him, he’s again become a great spirit and is going to turn that money into something for others. (Read his entry called Intermission HERE) Foggy as we all call him is just a remarkable spirit and as I faced 2000 words, I thought of his latest blog and went forward.
I am writing for me. Not going to lie about that at all. I need to finish Lucifer’s Angel before I go insane. It’s my baby but I’m ready for it move out of my head and graduate to being a completed novel.
Today, I found a part of me is also writing for Foggy because he is inspiring me to want my dream even more as he fights for his dreams and his life.
I know there’s no real comparison between my writing struggles and Foggy’s cancer battle. I’m not an idiot, but reading his blog is something I look forward to every day. As he knocks down walls, I am inspired. As my dear friend Amy knocks down her own marathon training goals, I am inspired.
Maybe I should call this entry: INSPIRED
Like I said, this is just an inspiration, a feel good entry.
-I reached 2100k in words
-Foggy feels in his words “Life is as normal as it’s been in awhile, and I feel like I’m resting up to be shipped back off on the lines the fight the good fight.”
-Amy didn’t puke this morning & is listening to her body.
-The moon is full.
-The people I choose to surround myself with inspire and support one another in ways no one else could and that is a beautiful world to be living in.
-The drag part I could say is that we get to do this all over again tomorrow, but the FEEL GOOD is that we are all alive for one more moment to do this all over again tomorrow and that isn’t a drag at all. That is wonderful and we get to share it with who we want.
Listening to “Welcome to England” by Tori Amos

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