From Somewhere in The Skies

There’s something to be said about traveling.

Right now, it’s 12:18 pm and I’m somewhere over the US on my way to Vegas.

Below me is the green of the Earth and right outside my window is the blue if the skies. This of course has no comparison to being in space with the stars but I imagine that the feeling I am feeling is what drives astronauts.

I want to travel a lot more. There are so many cracks and crevices and tiny streets I have yet to explore…have yet to hear their stories.

That’s the best part of traveling…the stories from locals, from strangers, from the location of where you are, and from the experiences you have.

So I want the Universe to align with me and hope I hit the sweet spot and win some money to travel more…to dream more…there’s a big world out there and I want to see it all!

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