Hello Muse

Somewhere in the middle of writing Barfly, my next novel came to me.
Normally, I would just stop what I was writing and start the next one, but I forced myself to focus on Barfly and made notes about the future WIP (work in progress) and what needed to be written and so on.
Then today, another idea came to mind. Completely inspired by a very short and brief conversation. It is always surprising to me how my muse will present an idea to me. I am completely obsessed with new idea and the old idea.
And when I say, obsessed. I mean OBSESSED.
Now, I must choose between the two ideas. I know, why not write both at the same time? I don’t know if I can write both at the same time. I’ve tried writing multiply projects before and none of them ever progress into what I think they should and then I just grow tired and bored with them and leave them all together.
I love both ideas too much to ruin them.
The dreamer in me wants to buckle down and write the new WIP in 25 days and then move immediately to the new idea. My head is spinning with both books begging to be written.
I have gone from what will I write about next to actually having to choose an idea to write about.
The muse is crazy like that.
I guess, I’ll sleep on it tonight and see what my feelings are like tomorrow morning. Maybe I will love one more than the other. Maybe I’ll love them equally. Maybe I’ll just have to flip a coin and choose that way.
Listening to “Walk On” by U2

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