
Being inspired…the muse that is mine comes in the oddest moments in life. Dreams. Visions. Thoughts. Over heard conversations. Etc.

I had the weirdest dream on Friday night which is inspiring a new story I’m plotting out in my head and on paper. It’s not something I’d normally write, but the idea intrigues me. It could be a masterpiece or it could be bird cage liner. We shall see.

Then today, while figuring out how to finally load PDF files to my Kindle, I stumbled over a title of a novel that sounded interesting and though the story  description itself didn’t make me want to further investigate or get involved with the novel, the title kept singing in my head and reminded me of a novel I had started years ago. The cat of characters chatted with me on my way home and I need to figure out a way to tighten their story and get their words on paper.

Also, today, my co-worker Boomer, gave me a book by Seth Godin and while I do know who Seth is, I haven’t read a lot by him, but it made me find an email of links I had sent myself on articles he had written that I wanted to read. While reading one, I had an AHA moment on something that is completely unrelated to the dream and to cast of characters.

So inspiration…wow…all up in my grill today. Now, I have to make the time for the creative me, the work me, and the hockey me to all get along and get everything in my head out…

Muse…I thank you…let’s do this.

Listening to “Safe & Sound” by Gareth Asher

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