
October Haikus

It was a bit of a struggle to write haikus this month, but I made it through!
You can follow them daily on Twitter.
If you missed them or if you’re not on Twitter, you can read them below

October 31
scorpio spook babies
lovers fighters
family friends happy birthday

October 30
beginning to fade
into the light
love and life bleeding into night

October 29
sunday rains
heal emotional pains
existence is a virtual gain

October 28
celebrating you
being in this world
happy birthday to you Nick

October 27
battle born and fearless
experienced the lows
now living the highs

October 26
quiet railways
surrounded by nature
on a train to nowhere

October 25
is it in your DNA
or a choice to chase your dreams
or to fear them

October 24
open your heart
to possibilities beyond
realities of now

October 23
barren soul that is
tired of giving
and tired of bleeding for nothing

October 22
silent room
stillness in my mind
loudness in my heart and soul

October 21
fraying edges
broken seams
life holds on by threads unseen

October 20
sometimes the darkness
cleanses my soul
like rain does a dirty sidewalk

October 19
tune out the darkness
let it slide by
hope it does not attack your soul

October 18
rebel rouser spitfire
loving kind sassy
inspiration to be free

October 17
frangipani on the breeze
setting sun at horizon
lazy days

October 16
behind the facade
I crumble inside
turning into dust within

October 15
silence from the other side
volumes were spoken
without words

October 14
falling rain on window panes
heals the heart unrestrained
no need for pain

October 13
hope has slipped away
stare out window watching
as life slowly passes by

October 12
empty platform
train to somewhere
wished I felt you somewhat cared

October 11
crucified by darkness
hanging by a thread
soul that wants to escape

October 10
staring down tunnels
black as my soul
or is it a barrel of a gun

October 9
silent wind fills heart
comforting soul
knowing I have to let you go

October 8
mirrored surface of fresh zamboni ice
tink off the crossbar
love for hockey

October 7
slow hum of white noise
silencing voices within
quiets pain in the soul

October 6
tuning out the world
tuning into my heart
full moon vibes heal my soul

October 5
the silent non actions
are the reminders
they do not care at all

October 4
never enough
have given up hope
staying in and hibernating

October 3
cold winds blow on the
echoes of an empty heart
and dust on the soul

October 2
passing thoughts of you
I dare not let linger
the heartache stays too long

October 1
sunshine daydreams
moonlight nightmares
thoughtless hours awake